By Hon. Richard R. Stalbrink, Jr., LaPorte Superior Court • Hon. Jonathan N. Cleary, Dearborn Superior Court • Hon. Timothy P. Spahr, Miami Circuit Court
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” For a court, a neighbor is simply another court in a nearby county. Peace between these unique neighbors requires regular communication and mutual respect. When this peace happens, all Hoosiers are better for it.
Each Indiana judge is a member of one of the state’s 26 judicial districts. The grouping of counties into districts allows judges from neighboring counties to come together, collaborate, identify their common needs, overcome barriers, and implement solutions—ultimately improving our justice system. At the 2022 annual meeting of the Judicial Conference of Indiana, judges suggested time be set aside during future conferences for districts to meet. So, on September 13, at the 2023 judicial conference, all 26 districts held concurrent meetings for the first time.

The dedicated time allowed each district to review the district’s governance plan and rules and exchange ideas for future improvements. Each district’s meeting was led by their elected district representative. The districts had the opportunity to discuss strengths and challenges, including:

- staff salaries
- probation and community corrections resources
- courthouse security
- special and senior judge selection
- local Justice Reinvestment Advisory Councils (see JRAC article from this issue)
- sharing problem-solving courts
- the upcoming weighted caseload time study (see Time Study article from this issue)
- cameras in court policy
- grant opportunities
- behavioral health service provider needs
- public defender needs
After the meeting, judges provided written feedback on their district’s current needs, barriers, and collaborative efforts. More than 250 judges attended their district meeting and reported positive information about getting together. One judge wrote, “We discussed working with one another more and sharing information.” Another judge explained, “We’re exploring collaboration on mental health services and other specialized courts.”
The meetings were an opportunity to further implement the Judicial Conference of Indiana’s Strategic Plan, which states, “Courts should continue to encourage county, district, and regional cooperation. Eliminating inefficient, duplicative, and multiple layers of court structure will result in economy and efficiency as well as increased public confidence.”
The judges identified ways courts can further collaborate with each other to create opportunities to better serve the people of Indiana. One judge provided feedback explaining, “We have agreed to help other courts to reduce some of the COVID-related back-ups.” Another stated, “I feel comfortable reaching out to colleagues in my district if I have questions.”
Together, the judges candidly discussed efforts to continue building strong relationships with their neighboring courts, all in an effort to serve the people of Indiana.