Judicial appointments
Judge Paul Felix appointed to Court of Appeals

Governor Eric Holcomb selected Hamilton County Judge Paul Felix as the next member of the Court of Appeals of Indiana, filling the vacancy left by the retirement of Judge Margret G. Robb.
Following his graduation from law school, Felix joined the Johnson County Prosecutor’s Office as a deputy prosecuting attorney. He then served as a City Court Judge in Carmel until he was elected to serve as the Hamilton Circuit Court Judge in 2008. Since 2014, Judge Felix has chaired the Hamilton County Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, which utilizes an assessment tool to determine appropriate sentencing that facilitates rehabilitation, significantly reducing the number of juvenile detainees. He also helped develop the Hamilton County Youth Assistance Program, and assisted YAP leadership in working with the General Assembly to implement the program statewide.
Born and raised in Elkhart, Indiana, Judge Felix earned his bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and a law degree from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

Justin McAdam appointed to Tax Court
Governor Holcomb appointed Justin McAdam, deputy director and chief legal counsel of the Indiana Office of Management & Budget, to the Indiana Tax Court. McAdam will fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Judge Martha Wentworth.
In his role at the OMB, McAdam advised the executive branch on all aspects of tax and fiscal policies, provided guidance and legal counsel to nine agencies tasked with maintaining the state’s financial health, and worked closely with the legislature on tax and fiscal policy. Since 2019, he has chaired the Distressed Unit Appeal Board, which assists financially troubled school districts. McAdam has served as trustee for the Indiana Public Retirement System and the Next Level Fund Investment Board, and as chairman of the Indiana Board of Depositories.
Justin McAdam was raised in Terre Haute. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and a law degree from Harvard Law School.
Allen County
Ashley Niccole Hand was appointed by the governor to the Allen Circuit Court, replacing Judge Wendy Davis, who resigned. Primarily handling family law cases, Hand previously served as a senior magistrate in the Allen Circuit Court and worked in private practice. She is a board member for the Allen Circuit Court Problem Solving Court, Inc., which provides financial support to participants in the problem-solving court. Hand earned an undergraduate degree from Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne and a law degree from Indiana University McKinney School of Law.
Delaware County
Douglas Kenneth Mawhorr was appointed by the governor to Delaware Circuit Court 3 to replace Judge Linda Ralu Wolf upon her resignation. Mawhorr served as a deputy prosecutor for the Delaware County Prosecuting Attorney Office since 2014. Before this, he worked for a law firm in Muncie and as a part-time public defender. Mawhorr earned an undergraduate degree from Wabash College and a law degree from Indiana University McKinney School of Law.
Marion County
Magistrate Melanie Kendrick was appointed by the governor to replace retired Judge Annie Christ on the Marion Superior Court. Kendrick previously served in the superior court’s probate division, primarily focusing on civil commitment proceedings, guardianships, and adoptions. She has worked as a Title IX coordinator for the University of Southern Indiana, supervising investigations into allegations of sexual misconduct, and as a public defender in Marion County. Kendrick earned an undergraduate degree from Notre Dame University and a law degree from Wake Forest University School of Law.
Philip Sheward was appointed by the governor to replace retired Judge Marcel Pratt Jr. on the Marion Superior Court. Sheward was a partner at the Allen Wellman McNew Harvey law firm in Greenfield, focusing primarily on family law. Before going into private practice, he worked in the Allen County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. He is the board president of The Hope House in Greenfield, which provides shelter to the homeless community. Sheward earned an undergraduate degree from Cedarville University and a law degree from University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Vermillion County
Daniel Reed Young was appointed by the governor to the Vermillion Circuit Court to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Judge Jill Wesch. Young had a private practice in Attica and was a part-time public defender in Tippecanoe County. Young earned undergraduate degrees from Wabash College and Purdue University, and a master’s degree from Indiana State University. He holds a law degree from Regent University School of Law.
Honors & Awards
Former Chief Justice Shepard and Judge May Honored by Indiana Bar Foundation

The Indiana Bar Foundation has recognized former Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard as the recipient of the 2023 Legend Award. Chief Justice Shepard has volunteered significant hours to the civic education and civic legal assistance programs, recently serving as a panelist at the Foundation’s inaugural civics summit. He was instrumental in establishing the Indiana Conference for Legal Education Opportunity, which assists minority, low-income, and educationally disadvantaged scholars who pursue a law degree in Indiana.
Court of Appeals Judge Melissa May is the Champion of Civil Legal Assistance awardee. She is a former Foundation board member and Grants Committee chair. Judge May is also the former Chair of the Indiana Pro Bono Commission and has been an active member of the Coalition for Court Access.
Both Chief Justice Shepard and Judge May were honored during the Foundation’s Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon on June 23.

Court of Appeals receives Sandra Day O’Connor Award
The Court of Appeals of Indiana has been recognized for its Appeals on Wheels program with the National Center for State Courts Sandra Day O’Connor Award for the Advancement of Civics Education.
The Appeals on Wheels program has brought Court of Appeals judges to all 92 Indiana counties to hear traveling oral arguments in schools, retirement homes, and conference centers. Since 2000, the court has held more than 650 traveling oral arguments, including 20 sessions in early 2023. NCSC President Mary C. McQueen commended the program as “an excellent example of meeting people where they’re at to increase public understanding of the justice system.”
Judge Robb receives Sagamore of the Wabash

Governor Holcomb honored Judge Margret G. Robb with the Sagamore of the Wabash Award in recognition of her status as the first female Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals of Indiana, as well as her extraordinary public service both inside and outside the judiciary.
Judge Robb retired on June 16, 2023, following an outstanding tenure that began with her appointment to the court in 1998. She continues to serve as a Senior Judge on the Court of Appeals.
Troy Hatfield Named to Order of Augustus and Probation Officers Recognized

Deputy Chief Probation Officer Troy Hatfield (Monroe County) has been named to The Order of Augustus by the Probation Officers Advisory Board. Hatfield is the president of the Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana and the 30th Indiana probation officer to win this award since its inception in 1993. The award is given to a probation officer who demonstrates outstanding commitment and personal dedication to the profession. It was presented along with recognition of 30 other probation officers with 25 years of service by Judge Dana J. Kenworthy at the annual statewide justice services conference.
Visit our Flickr page to see the names of all that were recognized and see available photos.
Brittany Kelly Recognized as Volunteer of the Year

The Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention has recognized Brittany Kelly, deputy director of the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, as the 2022 Volunteer of the Year, following her initiation of a project to update the CHIP Handbook of Help. Under Brittany’s direction, law students and Public Outreach Committee members individually reached out to local organizations to ensure that the handbook continues to provide accurate information and resources to individuals experiencing homelessness.
Public Defense Award Winners Announced
The Indiana Public Defender Council has presented the following awards to Indiana attorneys:
Gideon Award
Mark Bates & Vickie Yaser
Gault Award
Kate Province
Baird Award
Katherine Czinke & Cody Morrison
This was the first presentation of the new Baird award, which is named after the 1854 case Webb v. Baird and recognizes public defenders who are within their first ten years of practice.