Judicial Appointments

Steven T. Clouse
Noble County
Steven T. Clouse was appointed to the Noble Superior Court to fill the vacancy created by Judge Robert Kirsch’s retirement on October 31, 2021. Clouse will serve out the remainder of the term through 2024. He has previously served four terms as the Noble County prosecutor and was involved in establishing a Drug Court and a Veteran’s Court in Noble County. Clouse graduated from Indiana University and the University of Toledo College of Law

Mark Telloyan
St. Joseph County
Mark Telloyan was appointed to the St. Joseph Superior Court to fill the vacancy created in September 2021 by the retirement of Judge Steven Hostetler. Telloyan practiced law with a focus on bankruptcy cases and has taught at Notre Dame Law School, Grace College, and Goshen College. Prior to opening his own firm, Telloyan worked for the St. Joseph prosecutor’s office, after serving as a law clerk for Judge Sanford Brook. He also served on the St. Joseph County Council beginning in 2015. Telloyan earned an undergraduate degree from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College, a law degree from Notre Dame Law School, a Master of Arts from Minnesota State University, and a Master of Education from Seattle Pacific University.

Jamie C. Woods
St. Joseph County
Jamie C. Woods was appointed to the St. Joseph County Superior Court. Woods has practiced law in St. Joseph County since 2001 and has been the attorney for St. Joseph County since 2013. Currently, Woods is the attorney for the Town of Osceola, the South Bend Public Transportation Corporation, and the St. Joseph County Solid Waste Management District. He is also a board member of the Penn Harris Madison School Corporation. Woods earned an undergraduate degree from Manchester College and a law degree from IU McKinney School of Law.

Tiffany Vivo
Marion County
Tiffany Vivo was appointed to the Marion Circuit Court. Vivo has served as a Magistrate in the Family Relations Division of the Marion County Superior Court since January 2021. Prior to that, she served as a Magistrate in the Circuit Court handling family law matters. From 2011 to 2014, she served as the Marion County Commissioner while maintaining a private practice. Vivo graduated from Valparaiso University and the Valparaiso University Law School.
Other Appointments
Danny Lopez appointed to Judicial Nominating Commission
Danny Lopez has been appointed to the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission. Currently, Lopez is the Vice President for External Affairs and Corporate Communications with Pacers Sports and Entertainment. Lopez’s work in the public sector began in May 2008, when he served as the Director of Legislation and Communications for the city of Bloomington. Subsequently, he became the Executive Director of the Indiana Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs, and then the Deputy Director of the Indiana Civil Rights Commission. Lopez served as Governor Holcomb’s Deputy Chief of Staff from 2017 to 2019 and as Chief of Staff during part of Holcomb’s Lieutenant Governorship. Lopez is one of three non-attorney members on the Judicial Nominating Commission and will serve until December 31, 2024.
Julie Bennett invited to serve as Director-at-Large on NOBC Board
Julie Bennett, a Litigator/Investigator for the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission, has been asked to serve as a Director-at-Large on the Board of the National Organization of Bar Counsel (NOBC). The NOBC was formed in 1965 to enhance the professionalism and effectiveness of lawyer disciplinary counsel throughout the United States. Bennett will serve a two-year term.
Bradley Skolnik chairs Council of Bar Admission Administrators
Bradley Skolnik, Executive Director of the Office of Admissions and Continuing Education, became the Chair of the Council of Bar Admission Administrators (CBAA) in October 2021. During his one-year term, he will oversee this national organization, which examines different aspects of the bar exam and has previously made recommendations to the National Conference of Bar Examiners.
Contact Info
New contact for Judicial Qualifications
Judicial officers who wish to connect with the Judicial Qualifications Commission for ethics advice are encouraged to contact Luba Gore at [email protected] or 317-233-0257 for guidance and recommendations.

Annual Reports Published
The Indiana Supreme Court’s annual report is available online. The report details the work the Court and its affiliated agencies accomplished during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
The Court received 724 cases, heard 47 oral arguments, and handed down 74 total opinions. 77% of the Court’s opinions were unanimous. Along with detailing the activity of the Court, the report also includes statistics and information about the Court’s Office of Judicial Administration initiatives.
The work of the trial courts is detailed in a report released by the Indiana Office of Court Services.
The 2020 Judicial Service Report is also online and covers the 2020 calendar year. This report includes data regarding the operation of Indiana’s courts along with detailed statistics about the unforeseen challenge of adapting to the pandemic.
new cases were filed
cases were disposed
spent on operation of judicial system
generated in revenue
Read the Supreme Court Annual Report at courts.in.gov/reports/supreme
Read the Indiana Judicial Service Report at courts.in.gov/reports/trial