This is the fortieth of our Court Times articles that highlight up close and personal a member of the Indiana Judiciary.
Lake Superior Court Judge John R. Pera is our judge featured in this issue. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Indiana University in 1972, and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from Valparaiso University School of Law in 1975. Before assuming the bench in 2000, he practiced law in Merrillville focusing on personal injury and family law. He completed the Indiana Graduate Program for Judges in 2007.
He has served in numerous capacities for the Indiana Judges Association including Chair of the Civil Instructions Committee, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President, and President. He currently serves on its Board of Managers. He is a former member of the Board of Directors and the Jury Committee for the Judicial Conference of Indiana. He currently serves on its Strategic Planning Committee. Judge Pera is a member of the Lake County Bar Association, the Indiana State Bar Association, and the State Bar of California.
What do you like most and least about being a trial court judge?
I enjoy all of the people that I get to meet both on and off the bench. I like the interaction with litigants in the courtroom, especially those who are self-represented. Generally I have found them to be respectful and courteous.
I have also enjoyed working on committees, especially Strategic Planning, where I now serve, and Civil Instructions when we rewrote them into plain English. It is really gratifying to be “at the table” with colleagues from all over the state giving our input on the formulation of public policy as it impacts the judiciary. None of us ever get our way all the time, but it is great to be part of the discussion.
My least favorite aspect of judging is the administrative work. From talks with other judges, I know this is shared by many of us. It seems like more and more of our time is devoted to personnel, budget, and other non-judicial activities.
What was your major in college & why did you decide to study law?
My major in undergraduate school was political science with minors in economics and English. I grew up in the very turbulent 60’s when there was a lot of social unrest. I wanted to be a lawyer because I thought that was the way to impact change by doing my own part through the law.
What would you do if you were not a judge?
I would have loved to have been a jet pilot and astronaut. I am fascinated by flight and outer space.
Who are the people you most admire?
Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, both because of the very important contributions they made to the rule of law and the fabric of our society. I also have great admiration and respect for our military, especially those who fought in World War II when I think our country faced and overcame our darkest hour.
What are your hobbies or favorite leisure activities, & how did you first get involved?
Through the years I have had a number of varying leisure time activities. For about fifteen years I owned a sailboat and loved to sail Lake Michigan.
A few years ago I took a motorcycle rider safety course and purchased a new Harley. I really enjoy riding it on weekends out in the country, traveling old, safer, two-lane highways, long forgotten and little traveled with the advent of the interstate highways. It is great visiting small towns along the way, where I have encountered many friendly people. I also am building a model railroad.
I also have to say how much I enjoy spending time with my two daughters, their husbands and my two (soon to be three) grandchildren. It is gratifying to see them on their own and as successful adults.
What are your favorite books, and have you read any recently, or are reading now, that you would recommend?
I haven’t found much time to read lately, and given the amount of reading we do as judges, there are many days that I don’t even want to read a matchbook cover by the time my day at work is done. But I do like books by Stephen King, especially his Gunslinger series, consisting of seven books he wrote over about two decades.
Where did you grow up and how would you describe your childhood?
I was born and raised in Northwest Indiana and spent most of my growing up years in Gary. I come from a large family and think my childhood was great. This part of the state is culturally and racially diverse and my childhood experiences taught me to appreciate and honor the differences in people.
Do you have a favorite quote(s)?
My favorite is one by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I have hanging on a bulletin board next to my desk. It reads:
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
Where is your favorite vacation spot?
I like the Lake Michigan shore in Southwest Michigan where I did all of my sailing, Mexico, and the western United States.
Do you have a favorite meal, recipe, and restaurant?
I like Italian food, a good steak, and pizza. My favorite dish to prepare is Orange Roughy, cooked on a stove top with onions and cream of mushroom soup and served over rice. It is quick and simple to make and tastes especially good on a cold winter night.