The Indiana Supreme Court Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure expressed its great appreciation to Mary Nold Larimore whose term on the Committee ended after nearly ten years of service. Larimore, an Indianapolis attorney and partner with the firm of Ice Miller, was appointed to the Committee in January 1999. Chief Justice Shepard is grateful for her service and said, “Mary has dedicated many long hours to this Committee. It is obvious that she is committed to serving our legal system and her fellow attorneys by making sure Indiana has clear and understandable rules. She left her mark of stellar professionalism by her work in shaping numerous rules ranging from a new set of Appellate and Jury Rules to Rules of Evidence regarding electronic discovery.”

The Supreme Court Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure was created by the Court to conduct a continuous study of the Indiana Rules of Procedure and other rules as directed by the Court. The Committee is charged with reporting to the Court recommendations and proposed amendments to promote simplicity in procedure, just determination of litigation, and elimination of unjustified expense and delay. Larimore called her work on the Committee “a true labor of love,” saying her service proved to be one of the greatest honors of her career. “It gave me the opportunity to interact with some of the finest lawyers in the State of Indiana and listen and learn from their many different perspectives. I am proud of the fact that we brought the bench and bar together on many different initiatives, from the attorney surrogate rule to the adoption of e-discovery rules. The insight I have gained from the opportunity to work with the Court has been invaluable and I am grateful that they entrusted me with this role.”
The Supreme Court named Maggie L. Smith as Larimore’s replacement. Smith’s term begins January 1, 2009 and expires June 30, 2014. She serves as counsel to Frost Brown Todd, formerly Locke Reynolds. She is married to Kevin Smith, Supreme Court Administrator and Clerk of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and Tax Court. They have two children and live in the Indianapolis area.